Welcome to

Silverthorne Apothecary.

The blog that provides answers for healthier living through herbal recipes and alternative medicine, sustainable recommendations, and living close to the natural world.

Something for Everyone

I believe healthy, herbal living is for eveyone.


I cover a wide range of topics - from extraction techniques to herbal remedies, I like to keep my range versatile. Herbalism takes up a large portion of my brainspace - so naturally, it does here as well.

Recipes & Rituals

The natural world provides so much delicious food. Learning how to recognize and prepare it is vital. I also cover a range of spiritual practices to reconnect with nature, find inner strength, and practice communing with the natural world.

Favorite Products and Companies

When it comes to product recommendations, I prioritize sustainable practices and quality ingredients.

Contact Me

Have Questions, requests, or recommendations?

If you’d like to see a specific remedy or recipe, my opinion on a particular practice, or even thoughts on a blog piece – feel free to reach out and connect.
