9 Ways to Reconnect With Your Inner Witch
Overall, I really think that the publicity surrounding pagan practice and witchcraft is a good thing. I do, I really do.
Don’t misunderstand, commodification is a huge problem, and the consumerist mindset has twisted witchcraft and pagan practices into something that can be bought, sold, distilled, and taught in 2 month seminar courses for only two small payments of 399.99.

The widespread trend of “witchcraft” has birthed horrendous slews of misinformation, disinformation, and a wealth of other anti-information’s. I have even been seeing ads for “How to Tell if You Are A Blood-Born Witch” – which is insane, because it doesn’t exist. Witchcraft is not a hereditary power.
It is disheartening.
Its easy to lose sight of why we practice, what we believe in, when we – the older practitioners – are being berated online for “not doing this right” or “practicing the wrong way.” Combine that with the lightning quick speed at which we live our lives in the modern day and there is no question as to why it feels easier than ever to disconnect from nature, from our life source, from our craft.
I felt this way for a long time. Living in Phoenix, Arizona made it incredible difficult to connect with nature, at least for me, and the bustle of metropolitan life was killing me. I began to lose dedication, forgot to do my regular rituals, left fewer offerings. When I did look up to the mother and her pale face in the sky, I felt further from her than I ever had.
I want to reassure you – this is normal. We do not live in a culture that automatically makes and allows room for spiritual practice, we have to purposefully allow space for it in our lives, with intention. That can be hard when everything around you is also vying for your attention – work, pets, family, relationships, laundry, dishes, that really good book you’ve been reading. I have been there.
In the chaos of modern life, it’s easy to lose touch with the ancient magic that resides within us. Reconnecting with your inner witch is not just about casting spells, it’s about realigning with your intuition, the rhythms of nature, and your unique personal power. Here are nine mystical practices to help you rekindle the spark of your inner witch, practices that got me through my time in the concrete-desert-prison (Phoenix). Though I now live in the beautiful coastal forests of Oregon, I still perform these.
1. walk the path of the moon
The moon has guided witches for centuries, her cycles a mirror of our own, right down to our hormones, right down to our bones. She is the buoy in the storm, the stone beneath our feet. Reconnect by tracking her phases:
During the New Moon, set intentions and embrace new beginnings. Think of it like an empty pool, or pond- when it fills this month with the rising of the tides and the crest of the Full Moon, what do you want to fill it with? Take an hour, and if you cannot spare that, thirty minutes, to set these intentions. Release what does not serve you.
Under the Full Moon, bask in her light, celebrate your growth, and charge your tools. Full Moon energy is potent, make use of this by creating full moon water or salts. If there are any large spells you’ve been putting off, now is the time.
Let the Waning Moon guide you into reflection, and use the Waxing Moon to manifest your dreams.

A simple nightly ritual of gazing at the moon and journaling your thoughts can deepen your connection to her too. I know that is harder to dedicate to at first, so take it slow.
2. clean your altar and sacred space
Your altar absolutely has a fine layer of dust covering it, do not lie to me. It’s okay, it happens! This represents a perfect opportunity to clear away that stagnation, dust off your bones and bottles, and rearrange – or decorate for a coming sabbat. Your alter is a lot like a living space; something you operate in regularly, spend time perusing. It needs to be crafted with the same intention. Make it comfortable for daily use, easy to utilize.

Sometimes decoration can be helpful. Out with the old, in with the new. I frequent the shops and vintage markets around me, keeping an eye out for cloths or cups that could fulfill a need. Foraging in the woods is best of course, however, for a long time I couldn’t do that. I supplemented with iconography, cloth, and statues that helped me connect.
A recommendation I have for you though, if possible, go somewhere to meditate or practice. A park, your backyard, the woods if you can. Developing a place to practice in nature is an incredible experience, and feels like pouring jet fuel on your practice.
I got a portable little altar table for that purpose specifically. While I would love to splurge on a gorgeous, handmade, engraved traveling altar, I just dont have the funds. If you’re like me in that regard, this small table works wonders as an option.
3. commune with the elements
The elements—Earth, Air, Fire, and Water—are the foundation of magical practice, regardless of culture. Witchcraft is nature itself. Strengthen your bond with them through simple acts, easy every-day ones you can work into your normal routine:
Earth: Walk barefoot in nature or tend to a plant. If you already take walks that’s perfect, just find a spot to kick off your shoes at some point.
Air: Burn incense or meditate with the wind on your face. Again, this brings me back to working in nature. If you can, do it outside.
Fire: Light a candle with intention or gaze into a flame. Focus on how it moves, the space it appears to take, the heat it gives off. lose yourself in it, fall deeper under the spell.
Water: Take a ritual bath infused with herbs or spend time near natural waters. Soak and meditate, set intention, or simply enjoy it. Herbal baths have incredible benefits beyond the mystical as well.

Feel the energy of each element flow through you, reminding you of your place in the great web of life. You have a home in nature.
4. Listen to your intuition

Your inner witch whispers through your intuition, that quiet knowing often drowned out by daily noise.
Reconnect by practicing mindfulness regularly, and learning to trust your gut feelings. Mindfulness is like a muscle, it can be stretched and strengthened. Divination tools like tarot cards, runes, or pendulums can help you sharpen your intuition, but the real power lies in listening to yourself and your surroundings.
Take time each day to journal. Write out your thoughts. It helps you process in a more permanent way.
5. embrace herbal magic
As an herbalist, I am extremely biased in this regard.
It is for good reason though! Herbs have long been allies of witches, offering healing, protection, and wisdom.
Start a small herb garden or work with dried herbs to craft teas, incense, or spell sachets. Focus on a few versatile herbs like lavender for peace, rosemary for protection, or chamomile for calming energy. As you work with them, speak your intentions aloud and thank the herbs for their aid.
When it comes to herbs, it can be so easy to get overwhelmed. Select a few that speak to you, with uses that you can see yourself applying, and start there, with a collection of 3-5.

6. Honor the Cycles of Nature
5. honor the cycles of nature
The wheel of the year turns, marking the seasons and their sacred festivals. Celebrate these sabbats to align yourself with the rhythms of nature:

Light candles and plant seeds at Imbolc, dance and revel in the sun at Beltane, reflect and honor your ancestors during Samhain, rest and set intention on Yule.
They can kind of creep up on you if you do not pay attention, since they aren’t celebrated in common circles. You don’t exactly see the Imbolc gear being rolled out in February, like you do with Valentines Day.
If it helps, find a poster or a calendar to mark these celebrations. My favorite is Llewellyn’s Witches Calendar, which marks out the phases of the moon, the sabbats, and other milestones of the year.
Each festival and cycle of earth holds lessons for growth, renewal, and transformation. By celebrating them big and small, you weave your magic into the fabric of the earth.
7. journal your magic
I have hit on this one a couple times, but it deserves its own number on this list. Journal, journal, journal.
A witch’s grimoire or book of shadows is a sacred companion, holding your spells, rituals, and reflections. Begin one of your own by journaling your magical journey. Record dreams, signs from the universe, spells that resonate with you, and moments of synchronicity.
Over time, this practice becomes a map of your spiritual evolution, and in the short term, offers a place to collect and organize yourself. I know that for me, I feel much more self possessed after each journal entry.

8. craft personal rituals
Magic doesn’t have to be elaborate to be powerful. Create small, personal rituals that fit your life, ones that sit right alongside making dinner or getting the mail. Again, these can be small, but that does not mean they lack meaning. When I was struggling to connect, little things like this helped remind me of who I was.

Stir your morning coffee clockwise while setting your intention for the day. Add cinnamon for luck and manifestation.
Write affirmations and burn them under the full moon to release doubts. This one is so easy, and feels amazing.
Carry a crystal or talisman for protection or luck. I keep one in each farmers market bag, and carry them in my car and my purse.
These rituals keep you in touch with your magic, even during busy days. Ultimately that is the key right there, staying in touch even when its hard.
9. connect with the spirit world
The veil between worlds is always near for those who seek it. Meditate, scry, or use divination tools to connect with spirits, ancestors, or guides. Light a candle and call on their wisdom, offering gratitude in return. Trust the subtle signs they send—a feather, a song, a dream—as messages meant for you. Your intuition will tell you, if you let it.
My own ancestors were difficult for me to connect with, as I have few names and even fewer faces. But they are there, and they are waiting for you.
Reconnecting with your inner witch is a deeply personal and transformative journey. I know I came out different than before, my connection to myself stronger, my conviction hardier. I am not so easily shaken these days. Remember that your craft is not performative, it’s not about creating magic for others to see, but about living in harmony with the mysteries of the universe. You don’t need to perform spells each day, or spend hours communing with the gods. Trust your instincts, embrace your power, and let your magic guide you. These are the three musts.
You are not the rituals you perform, the spells you cast, or the covens you participate in. You are you – the ancient, untamed spirit that dwells within. It does not break so easily.